I have always had a fear of rejection... it kind of turn me into an introvert all growing up,. Photography has opened me up a lot more, and has made me a lot more outgoing than I used to be. It's giving me confidence in speaking to others, and it's given me a voice where I didn't know that I had one. Last August, I was up in North Carolina for a wedding, and I had been itching to get up to the Blue Ridge Mountains to do a session. I went on Instagram and did some hashtag searching and randomly came across Alexa's pictures. I reached out to her to see if her and her man would be up for a photo session in the blue ridge mountains. My fear of rejection thought that she would think that I was a creeper and she would say no... but to my surprise, she was excited and almost thought it was a joke. How did I get so lucky? I'm not sure.. Ross ended up being a hiking guide, how crazy is that? We ended up meeting in the Pisgah National Forest near Linville Falls, NC. Even though this Florida boy was winded and could hardly get to the top of that mile high mountain, I've been wanting to go back up there since I left!